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On Sun, Nov 20, 2022 at 7:39 PM ENSNews Briefs <> wrote:



“We’re Here To Enlightening Your Day”


Who, inthe Political World ComeBack Realm Would Hope To Sabotage The Weekender Videos?
“The C Stands for Cheat, my little one…For them who would drift along on whatever gets them by …cheating the world, cheating themselves and cheating nature.”–‘To Be Young , Gifted And Black’–The unfinished works of Lorainne Hansberry

THE WEEKENDER REPORT: The video report for THE WEEKENDER, November 20, 2022 will be postponed due to the apparent efforts of saboteurs who are advocating for the person who committed an act of collusion involving the receipt of 100,000 rifles exchanged by the United States and Russia, 2016. Below are the effects of efforts made by the saboteurs who attempt to damage ENSNews1, ENSNewsii, The Weekender and its publisher.

THe Weekender publisher regards the sabotage as a direct threat by an individual or group who apparently advocate for Donald Trump and possibly others who are or have been fixed inside the political arena in years passed.

Today, as the US Department of Justice has taken steps to select Special Counsel, James Smith , to lead a team of investigators in the investigation of potentially criminal action committed by former President Donald Trump, the nation remains at bey, enduring with Trump’s evasive efforts at preventing the disclosure of the acts of possible crimes associated with federal , classified documents.

Last week, US Attorney General, Merrick Garland, appointed the Special Counsel who will , also, conduct an investigation of Trump’s removal of federal documents that were held surreptitiously at Mar-a-Lago, the former President’s Florida, residence.

The US Attorney General has orchestrated elements of the investigation that may uncover the criminal effects of actions taken by the former President, Donald Trump and cohorts–the President who had , also, been impeached by the US Congress no less than twice during his administration as led by Speaker ofthe House Nancy Pelosi, 2019, 2020.

As the criminal investigation of Donald Trump is moved forward, the the 8 member team along with Special Counsel, James Smith, the questions that hangs in the balance is whether a twice impeached President will be permitted , by the law contained in the US Constitution and the law ofthe land–such that cannot be disputed–to run for a 2md term as US President of whether his past impeachments and possible criminal action should render Donald Trump banned from politics in the United States.

Garland, who avoided prosecution of Trump following each of the impeachment, such that were quite evident of Trump’s despotism and long train of abuses, to having, now, been catapult into the center ring , once again as Trump announces plans for running for the Presidency–the office from which Donald Trump was twice impeached.

This further investigation into the criminal actions that may have been committed in association with Trump and cohort’s attempt at overturning the 2020 election by means of staging a violent insurrection during which 5 people were killed and the events which led the US FBI to the home of Donald Trump to confiscate more than 15 boxes of federal documents surreptitiously held captive by the former US President, Donald Trump.

Does American consider it to be fair that such an apparent thrown off style of government as that conducted by Donald Trump, should be allowed to return to the highest seat in the UNited States to, once again, continue the corrupt despotistic form of governing for which he was, apparently, impeached?

What do you say? Does Donald Trump deserve to return to the White House or any other political office in the UNited States or does he deserved to be banned from US politics?

You decide. Leave a comment in the comment box beneath this article.

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